Smart U5a is back at a price that’s more affordable than before. Yes, you heard it right, at just Rs. 5,999/- and with the same amazing features, enjoy 500 MBs Mobile Internet every month for three months with free usage of Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Line. So hurry and grab your SmartU5a from your nearest Customer Service Center or franchise.
Terms & Conditions:
- This offer is only valid for Prepaid users.
- Usage on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Line will be absolutely free for three months.
- Usage on any external link will consume data from 500 Mb given each month.
- 500Mb of data volume will be given each month for three months.
- Dial *706# to check remaining balance.
- Any other bucket can also be subscribed alongside this offer.
- if any other bucket is also subscribed then the usage of Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Line will be charged to the other bucket.
- Associated bundle can be used with both 2G and 3G.
- Your SIM is your identity, only use SIMs issued through Biometric Verification – PTA.
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